

How to control Anger and Anxiety?

How to control anger and anxiety? #controlemotions

We all have a common problem of taking serious about silly things therefore it leads to anger. Anger is an emotion which can be controlled if we trained. And I had a bonus tip at the end so make sure read the first full blog...

Before knowing how to control your anger you should know how anger occurs in ours body. A hormone adrenalin which is released from adrenal glands is responsible for anger. It makes us to bring out extreme emotions like anger,laugh etc.
So now we have known how anger triggers in our body we shall jump to the steps to control our fear...

#1 Be Calm

It's hard to say to be calm but if we practice it will become our habit. When you decided that you will control your anger you must stay calm in hard times. 

At first it seems hard but through practice it would become easy. If anyone teases you be calm and say to your mind that i should control my anger.

#2 Think Before You Speak 

We all live in a busy life where there is a huge struggle to speak with others when we start thinking before we speak. 

But wait problems will arise when we talk sometjhing which hurts someone or it may be convied in a wrong way, so thinking before speaking is a best tip to stay far with the problems/

At beginning you will feel stuf but at the end you will become a goood speaker  

#3 Treat Yourself

Everyone likes treating themselves. when you have passed a situation where you controlled your anger the next moment treat yourself.

This will make you happy and again your mind controls your anger in the next situation waiting for the treat. Like this your anger levels goes down gradually.

4; Eat lots of Protein

Yes it's true eating what kind of food also  matters. If we include lots of proteins,eat velvet beans, and by consuming probiotics we can increase a Dopamine levels.

(Dopamine is the harmone which triggers Happy emotions in our body).As we are increasing dopamine levels in our body simultaneously adrenalin levels decrease there by anger is controlled.

By eating less saturated fat also Dopamine levels also increases.

#5 Stay Happy 

We often find people in a Depressed and sad mood. According to one study anger triggers more when a person is suffering from depression or Parkinson's disease.

So it is better to stay happy and stay more time with the nature to get the maximum benefits.

Staying happy is not helps to maintain our mental health but also cures as many mental disorders.

#6 Exercise Regularly

One hour of exercise thrice a week can help building body at the same time it also prevents many diseases and also makes our body fit.

Also include yoga in your mornings they help in preventing many mental health disorders.

These are the top tips by following Daily you can control your anger.

Bonus tip: For all problems whether it's a mental issue or physical the only solution is Meditation. From ayurveda to modern life all have changed but regain our energy or positivity we need to meditate at least 10 minutes per day to get maximum results and benefits.


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